The company is providing a new software update for its iconic wearable Fitbit Charge 4. According to several reports, the smartwatch will get some new enhancements and features with the software update. It would be equipped with a few wonderful features such as better GPS handling, sleep supervision and controlling the Monochrome screen.
According to the certain official sources including the Fitbit official website, Fitbit Charge 4 bands with version value of 1.96.29, the software changes will allow dynamic GPS features by utilizing your smartphone’s location to correct its location issues.
According to several users, the built-in GPS of Charge 4 is not that correct while using it practically in the field. To solve these location issues on their sold devices, they are providing this GPS update. AS per the company, it will also save your fitness tracker’s battery, and you will be able to use it more in a single charge as the update will disable the default GPS function.
It will allow your device to save battery, but this means you will need to keep your phone’s location enable while GPS in your watch. However, if your phone’s battery is powerful enough to handle continuous usage of GPS, then you can stay relax.
Another feature or upgrade your watch is getting with the software update is the Smart Wake feature. It will make you get up from bed in a particular time window while you are sleeping tenderly by utilizing the circadian rhythms of your body. This means you will be able to get a correct sleeping pattern and you will not face oversleeping issues which can tire you out.
The Fitbit Charge 4 is known for its surprising accurate sleep tracking abilities. That means it could be possible that your fitness band might be able to wake you up at the correct time. The company claims the watch to be able to correct your sleeping habits, in outcome giving you a healthy sleep.
It is not anything like really innovative in the world of health trackers as we have seen many other gadgets that also do the same job, including a Fitbit model.
Another significant enhancement your wearable is getting is the capability of controlling how long your device screen remains on. Charge 4 generally goes to standby mode in a specified time after last used. Up till now, users were not allowed to change the dim screen timing, but from now on, you will be able to choose a preferred time.
This update has been rolled out for the users, and it will be gradually availed to the frequent users around the world. You can easily apply this update to your gadget if you wish to do so as you will be prompted to install the update automatically.
Devin Smith is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.
Source: Fitbit Charge 4 .
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